To assist you in making a decision for working together with COTRAC Liegenschaften & Hausverwaltungen GmbH you will find a checklist which allows you to assess our service offer in detail in the following.

The following details the essential points of our service offered

  • Management of free-financed housing
  • Management of subsidized housing
  • Management of condominiums and special ownership
  • Building management for maintenance, repair and modernisation
  • Continuous monitoring of structural condition of the building
  • Administrative assistance in the subdivision of tenements and conversion in home ownership
  • Estate Agent activities in relation to letting and the sale of apartments and commercial premises and the sale of houses and properties
  • Account statement preparation against individual order
  • Advice on real property questions generally

In addition, individual stipulated special services are also undertaken.

Basis for the contractual relationships between owners and management are the managing agent contract and the managing agent power of attorney.
This check list gives you the first possibility to check the effectiveness of our administration function and furthermore, to make a decision on the possible working together with COTRAC Liegenschaften & Hausverwaltungen GmbH.

Are references of comparable condominiums available?
Can the Advisory Boards on Reference Assets report positively on the co-operation with?
How big is the administrative inventory and is availability assured every time by the appropriate office organization?
Is there a written contract offer that defines the scope of services, the corresponding rights and duties as well as the remuneration?
Is there a clear division between the core tasks which are compensated for with the basis remuneration, and special tasks for which a separate computation is made?
Had COTRAC Liegenschaften & Hausverwaltungen GmbH an appropriate pecuniary damage liability and commercial third party liability insurance?
Does the DP (data processing) accounting comply with the legal guidelines as is laid down in the Wohnungseigentumsgesetz/German Condominium Act?
Are building inspections scheduled and acceptance of corrective maintenance work carried-out as well the monitoring of caretaker and other services?
Is the conclusion and monitoring of contracts with caretakers and other service personnel as well as insurances within the framework of basic services carried-out?
Is he monitoring of the payment responsibilities of the tenent/owner guaranteed?
Does COTRAC Liegenschaften & Hausverwaltungen GmbH monitor the conventionary use of the rented apartment especially by hand-over reports?
Are the monthly statements as income and surplus statements with proof of the account balance offered?

Naturally, we are always available to answer any further questions you may have.